In the beginning. . .
Hello, cyberspace. This is my first attempt at blogging. At first, I thought such a vehicle for the expressing of one’s ideas was, well, lame! I kept having friends such as Nate Mihelis, who I am convinced gets paid for full-time blogging, and Tim Baylor turn me on to blogging. All I would hear was, “Did you see what so-and-so said on such-and-such blog?” Of course, I could only answer , “no;” so to prevent the continued squelching of my already fragile need for acceptance I proceeded to delve deeply into the wonderful world of blogging. So here I am, and here we go.
I would ask all those who do come to this blog in its early stages to please show mercy with your criticisms. As I stated previously, I am new to this; and unlike some of my friends, my job does not grant me the luxury of blogging (but some of my classes do!!!). My hope and prayer is that this blog will become a place of dialogue on First Testament ideas and topics with the goal of edifying the New Covenant community. In closing, I join my voice with the sons of Aaron who can now truly say through the coming of Christ, “The LORD bless you and protect you; The LORD make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; The LORD lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.”