Friday, December 01, 2006

Some DSS and Some R-n-R

What do the Dead Sea Scrolls, Tov, and Chipotle Burritos have in common? Come on! This is an easy one! Simple, they all are on my agenda for my annual pilgrimage back home to Kansas City. I am so stoked for this trip and not just because of the burritos. For those who have not masticated on a Chipotle Burrito yet, trust me on this one, the trip would be worth just that.

"Well they're just old pieces of paper. What's the big deal about them?" This was the comment of my wife when she entertained the explanation for my Homeresque, "Wahoo!" when I heard the good news about the DSS sabbatical in KCMO. Needless to say, my response to her was not the most amicable. After assuring her I would not divorce her for such a statement, I attempted to present some superficial analogy that would give her some insight into my queer hobby. When this failed, the classical tautological response, "It is what it is," was issued as to stifle any further resurgence of such no-sensical ramblings of a non-OT scholar.

Anyway, here is the link for those who will be in KCMO between February 8 and May 13, 2007 and have not see the scrolls before or for those who want to hear one of the lectures. I will be there on February 20 to listen to Emanuel Tov lecture on The Dead Sea Scrolls and the New Testament.


robertlhall said...

have fun russ, and don't ever use the word "masticated" again.

Kristin said...

I did not say it quite like that. I think it is crazy having to pay to see the dead sea scrolls. Your mom and I will go shopping while you are there, but we will pay to see them with you.